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2024 Event Sponsorship Opportunities

We understand that everyone has their preferred method of payment. If you’d like to pay by check, please visit our sponsorship form by clicking the link below. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Presenting Sponsor

  • Up to Three (3) Foursomes for golf, lunch, and dinner 
  • Logo will be featured on all promotional and marketing materials as part of event title leading up to, during, and after the outing 
  • Option to speak during dinner 
  • Option to set up a table at registration and dinner for promotional purposes 
  • Featured highlight in monthly newsletter and in Annual Report 
  • Premier signage at event registration and dinner reception 

Golf Shirt Sponsor

  • Up to Two (2) Foursomes for golf, lunch, and dinner 
  • Logo will be featured on the golf shirts given to all golfers 
  • Logo will be included on volunteer t-shirts 
  • Logo featured in communications to thousands of HAS stakeholders in all promotional and marketing materials leading up to, during, and after the outing 
  • Featured highlight in monthly newsletter 
  • Lead signage at event registration and dinner reception 

Hole-In-One Sponsor

  • One (1) Foursome for golf, lunch, and dinner 
  • Logo featured in communications to thousands of HAS stakeholders in all promotional and marketing materials leading up to, during, and after the outing 
  • Signage at event registration and dinner reception 
  • Welcome and dinner signage recognition  
  • Prominent Website Feature (may include sponsor-created image, story, video, etc.) 
  • Featured highlight in quarterly newsletter 
  • Hole signage (assigned priority holes [1, 9, 10, and 18 as available]) 

Eagle Sponsor

  • One (1) Foursome for golf, lunch, and dinner 
  • Logo featured in communications to thousands of HAS stakeholders in all promotional and marketing materials leading up to, during, and after the outing 
  • Dinner reception signage 
  • Hole signage 

We would like to thank the generous sponsors of our 16th Annual Golf Fore Recovery outing

If you are unable to participate, please consider making a donation to support our fundraising efforts by using the button below:


Browse our gallery and relive the magic of the 2023 Golf Outing

Community Volunteers

Educating Communities

HAS strives to bring individual and community based program initiatives together to promote stronger, healthier and family-friendly communities.

Young Girl Counseling

Programs for Youth

Youth programming at HAS provides healthy alternatives to risky behaviors, instilling the life skills youth need to become productive, well-adjusted adults.

Young Mother with Baby

Programs for Women

HAS provides bilingual and culturally-sensitive programs addressing issues from substance to emotional abuse designed to meet the unique needs of women.

Latinx Man

Programs for Men

HAS provides programs for English and Spanish speaking men in recovery that provide them with the tools to transition to substance-free self-sufficiency.

Your contribution to Golf Fore Recovery will be applied in its entirety to prevention and treatment programs at H.A.S